With the re-roofing, balcony and siding renovations at Villa Units 2087-2094 nearing completion, I want to review the larger projects that have been completed over the past two years, thank our CAM, my past and current colleagues on the Board for their efforts and announce what lies ahead. All of this followed the re-building and painting of our bulkheads and stairways; re-roofing, painting and landscaping of the mid-rise buildings and leveling of the sidewalks campus wide.
In 2019 it became painfully clear that the Villa roofs, balconies and siding needed attention. Evaluation by experts revealed the problems to be even worse than expected. The worn roofs had been twice re-shingled rather than removed and replaced which contributed to the extensive wood rot discovered in the plywood underlayment and siding particularly around doors and windows. More than a few balconies suffered in the same way, were dangerous and needed to be repaired. An improved “rain handler” system had to be designed and will be installed following a complete exterior painting. A long-range plan was compiled and activated. To date, these improvements have been completed in more than half of the sixty-four Villa units at a charge to our Capital Reserves of more $600,000. Eight more units (2051-2058) are scheduled for work in early 2023. Owners regularly receive updated wind mitigation forms which, when submitted to their home owner insurance carrier, may reduce premiums.
All thirty-five, latticed parking lot lights have been replaced with state-of-the-art, LED fixtures. Owners who have commented on the new brightness had to admit that what we’re experiencing now isn’t too much but merely the difference in having had too little for too long. Those returning home and walking their pets at night feel less likely to fall and generally more secure. The $19,000 charge to Capital Reserves was $4,000 under budget.
The overgrown vegetation between B midrise pool and the new golf short course has been cleared improving the view from both directions. Obstruction of the view from other areas is being evaluated. Clearing a large area adjacent to the south parking lot in the “hollow” near unit 2087 has also been completed in an effort to improve drainage and make the area more attractive.
The condition of our beautiful tree canopy, both short and long term, has been the subject of another, three phase action plan. Arborists from Tree Surgeons, Inc. surveyed the campus and identified eighteen dead or diseased trees that presented a danger. They will be removed this year in Phase I along with many bay trees dead or dying from anthracnose, a fungal infection that has invaded the entire Plantation. Phase I also calls for extensive trimming near our roofs, pools and parking lots. Phase II scheduled for late 2022 calls for extensive planting of replacement trees (as required by the AIPCA ARB Board and now Nassau County) in the affected areas and elsewhere while Phase III is a 2023 review of the results of the work done and needed. The amount budgeted is $75,000.
Our Capital Reserve balance at the end of 2021 was a healthy $404,328.
There is always something happening at Beach Wood and we’re looking better than ever. Stay tuned.
Joel Marmelstein, President