At its regular meeting held on August 17th, the Board of Directors appointed James Pennington to fill the unexpired term of George Berman who resigned his directorship effective the day before the meeting.
In submitting his resignation to President Marmelstein, George wrote “I very much appreciated the chance to be on the Board and see first hand the excellent work which you and the other members are doing.”
George joined the Board in April, 2022 and oversaw several town home related projects.
Jim and his wife, Carolyn, have been mid-rise owners since December, 2019 and visit frequently from the Brentwood, Tennessee area. We’ll see even more of them now that their daughter and her family live in Yulee. Jim is a graduate of Tennessee Technical University and worked for many years in the commercial food service equipment industry, retiring in 2013. Prior to his appointment, Jim worked with the long-range plumbing committee and will continue to do so. “Because we consider our unit to be more than an investment, we have an interest in assisting in the proper maintenance and management of the facility.”
The Board thanks George for his service and looks forward to working with Jim and meeting Carolyn.